Kent County Organists' Association
KCOA Mission Statement
The Kent County Organists' Association (KCOA) is affiliated to the Incorporated Association of Organists (IAO) and consists of almost 100 members. The object of the Association is to promote the friendly interchange of ideas on all matters of interest to organists and choir directors. With the exception of August and January monthly meetings are held on Saturdays and include recitals, lectures, discussions and visits to places of interest in various parts of the county and sometimes further afield.
The Royal College of Organists is delighted to announce Play the Organ Year 2025.
The Royal College of Organists is delighted to announce Play the Organ Year 2025.
Play the Organ Year is designed to inspire a year-long effort by the whole organ-playing community, not just to increase the number of people learning to play the organ, but also the number enjoying live and recorded organ music.
We firmly believe that the best way to achieve both these objectives is to get as many people as possible not just hearing and seeing the instrument, but playing it!
Canterbury: venue for the 2025 AGM
We return to Canterbury, this time for a visit to St Peter's Methodist Church and St Dunstan's parish church, neither of which the Association has visited within the past 35 years, if ever. Tea and the AGM will be held at the latter, and it should be possible to wrap up proceedings in time for members or their guests to attend Cathedral evensong if they so wish.
Reculver and Hoath Saturday 14th June 2025
14.00 St. Mary’s (Hillborough) Reculver -Reculver Lane, CT6 6SP
2 Manual Browne extension instrument 1955, with casework by Robert Thompson of Kilburn, augmented with electronic stops in 2010. Short talk by organist, John Sinclair on the need to add more tone ‘colour’ to this instrument and the choice to use electronics.
15.30 Holy Cross Hoath, Church Road, Hoath CT3 4JT
Small Instrument by Thomas C Lewis 1874, in almost totally original condition. Talk & welcome by Warden, Clair Hopper, on the history of this beautiful rural Church.
Edenbridge parish church
Edenbridge parish church deserves a visit all to itself, because, as with Hythe, it contains two organs played from the same console. But there are a Graveyard Trail and a Town Trail as added inducements.
Spa Valley Railway and Tunbridge Wells
2.00 pm. Departure from Tunbridge Wells! We should have a steam locomotive in one direction or the other.
After the return trip to Eridge, we shall visit the parish church of King Charles the Martyr and have tea there.
Arrangements for group travel on the railway will be announced in due course.
Latest KCOA News
KCOA trip to Spa Valley Railway and King Charles the Martyr, Tunbridge Wells April 12th 2025 We will aim to meet at the station (TN2 5QY) at 1.45 p.m. and to travel on the 2.00 p.m. diesel train from Tunbridge Wells West to Eridge (a 25 minute journey) and return on the 2.35 p.m. |
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Music@the Meeting House Wednesday 26th March 12:00 |
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St Mary & St Eanswythe Folkestone are looking for a new Organist & Choir Director
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Organist or Pianist and Choir Leader - Parish Church of St. John the Baptist, Penshurst, Kent The Parish Church of St John the Baptist, Penshurst, Kent is looking for an organist or pianist and choir leader
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Paul Tidd - organist for hire!!
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Organ Tuition - D'Arcy Trinkwon I am very pleased to let people know that I’d be delighted to offer my help as a teacher to anyone who is interested in having lessons – either regularly or more occasional, consultation ones. |
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An organ recital given by our President This will take place at St Leonard's church, Hythe, on Friday 9 May 2025 at 12 noon and last for one hour. |
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Dover Unitarian Organ If people would like to hear the little Dover Unitarian organ before it |
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Organist required United Benefice of Shipbourne with Plaxtol
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Spring and early summer 2025 dates for your diary Our meeting dates and venues for spring and early summer 2025 have now been fixed beyond the February and March meetings, which already have their own website entries. |
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Organist wanted – St John the Evangelist Groombridge I am a churchwarden at St John the Evangelist in Groombridge, Kent TN3 9QH. We seek a freelance organist to play the organ on the first two Sundays each month from January 2025. |
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New Musical Director for Sutton Valance Choral Society wanted Sutton Valence Choral is seeking to appoint a new Musical Director to take over from Bryan Gipps who will be retiring on 15 November 2025, after more than 20 years with the choir. |
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