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Birmingham Trip March 2025 Update!


We can now confirm  a visit to the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire and St Chad's Cathedral between the 10th and 14th March and an invitation to visit Coventry Cathedral on the  return journey. Arrangements continue at pace and will be confirmed later. However it is likely that travel and accommodation will need to be organised on an individual basis. That said we are open to suggestions.

The dates have been chosen to coincide with a visit by Nathan Laube from the Eastman School in New York who we hope will be giving a Master Class. Members may remember Nathan gave the inaugural recital on the new Canterbury Cathedral Organ and is now tutoring Charles Francis who will also have an input during our visit.

Expressions of interest and comments without obligation would be welcome please to Jim Bryant at

NB Numbers are likely to be limited to 15 and  group rail travel from Euston to Birmingham is a possibility at a reduced rate return fare with a 'stop over' in Coventry on the way back. However this is likely to increase and we would need to book ASAP to secure the rate.

Here are some links giving information about the Conservatoire, St Chad's and Coventry Cathedral: (Coventry)





Kent County Organists' Association

Kevin Grafton
Treasurer and Membership Secretary tel 01732 452117


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