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Organ Recital by Janet Hughes, Wye Church 26th October

Organ Recital by Janet Hughes

Saturday 26 October, 18.00hrs

St Gregory and St Martin, Wye


Prelude & Fugue “St Anne” in E flat, BWV 552                                        J S Bach 1685-1750

Chorale Prelude,  Nun komm der Heiden Heiland,  BWV 659                  J S Bach 

Prelude, Fugue and Variation, Op 18                                                       C Franck 1822-90

Chorale No 3 in A minor                                                                          C Franck

Rhapsody, Op 17, No 1                                                                            H Howells 1892-1983

Daffodils, No 1 & 2 from Three Easter Preludes for Organ                       N Hakim b1955

Toccata from Symphony No 5 in F major, Op 32                                     C-M Widor 1844-1937

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